Can I Change My Quote Request Form?


To view what you currently have, please search for the email Jennifer sent you with a link to your landing pages. The title of that email is typically, "You Landing Page, Phone Wagon Information and Google Sheet."

Next, please send an email to with the changes you would like made on your form.

So for instance, if you want to add a vehicle, indicate which landing pages you would like the vehicle added to (this will typically be all of them). 

So you would say:

Subject: Add Vehicle to Landing Pages

Body: Please add this vehicle to my landing page:

Mercedes Benz Sprinter - 14 Passengers

You want to ALWAYS include passenger counts. If you want to add/remove a service from the Services field, you can do that as well. The same goes for removing vehicles, please state which vehicle(s) you would like removed, and from which landing page (again, it will typically be all of them).

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